EdFramed and Antxintxiketan have been selected to be part of the Spanish Pavilion in this year's 16th INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE EXHIBITION that will take place from May 26, 2018 to November 25, 2018 in Venice, Italy.
Categorized under the hashtag #narrative, Edframed and Antxintxiketan are on display in the left rear room of the pavilion. Edframed early strips are exhibited in english in the emergency exit door and Antxintxiketan's first 23 pages can be read in basque language, going down in history as the first comic displayed in basque in the Spanish pavilion at the Biennale. A couple of EdFramed strips and small reproductions of the first two pages of Antxintxiketan are also collected in the catalog of the exhibition.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Public Works of Spain and curated by Atxu Amann, the Spanish pavilion embraces the proposal titled 'becoming' that collects a variety of architecture students' works of multiple kinds and backgrounds. 'Becoming' started as an open call in which over 1200 proposals participated and around 400 were selected. Some 140 were chosen to be part of the physical pavilion and the rest were published in the virtual pavilion that can be accessed via the internet: http://www.b-e-c-o-m-i-n-g.com
Publisher: Ministerio de Fomento / Fundación Arquia
Release date: 2018-V-25
Language: Spanish / English
Number of pages: 176
Size: 16.5 x 24 cm
Retail price: 14€
ISBN-13: 978-84-09-01748-5
Buy the catalog and read it for free here: