2003 | B&W | Digital Video | 4:3 | Stereo | 3min 20s
Edited by Ioannes Busca
Original images recorded by Ricardo Santonja
Music: 'Exodus from the Underground Fortress' from Symphonic Suite AKIRA
Composed by Shōji Yamashiro performed by Geinoh Yamashirogumi
Recorded with Canon DM-XM1 MiniDV camcorder
Architecture School of Madrid, October 2002
Music video created for a class in Madrid Architecture School. It was presented to a
student video contest in VHS format and later included in the DVD
DAI 1 2003 OBESIÓN LUZ published by Instituto Juan de Herrera.
To make this video I used the footage recorded by Ricardo Santonja in the architecture school drawing classes. I digitally altered the images to produce the burned black and white style and I accompanied them with the fabulous soundtrack from Katsuhiro Otomo's AKIRA film composed by Shoji Yamashiro. The video pretends to be a dialogue between this piece of music that I love and this bunch of reused footage.