●COMIC● EdFramed season 1

EdFramed season 1
Published online daily from November 21, 2011 to January 14, 2012
55 comic strips | B&W
55 comic strips | B&W

Logo design for EdFramed a daily comic strip.
I did the logo for my own comic strip because I didn't had money to hire anybody else.

Short film created in just one day for the 2nd Oñati Short Film Rally that took place in Oñati on May 11, 2011. This is the second film created by the team URTZI SYSTEM COOP. just after DORRETXEKO PRIZNTZESA that was released in January 2011 for the first installment of this competition. URA was awarded with the second price.
Iker Laskurain
Iker Laskurain
Xabier Barrena
Mikel Maiztegi
Erik Zubiria
Ruben Idigoras
Ibai Osa
Captain Planet
Captain Planet
Aritz Oianguren
Verónica Ayechu
Xabier Barrena
Ioannes Busca
Ion Ibarrondo
Jokin Igartua
Iker Laskurain
Mikel Maiztegi
Aritz Oianguren
Lezuri Ormazabal
Ibai Osa
Iñigo Ruiz
Ander Zelaia
Antton Zubia
Erik Zubiria
Captain Planet
original opening theme by
Tom Worrall
Amanda by Night Soundtrack
Composed by
Richard Hieronymus
Captain Planet
original ending theme by
Murray McFadden
Timothy Mulholland
Lyrics by
Nicholas Boxer
This short film is a tribute to the
Captain Planet animation series
created without the participation
of the original creators.
The rights of the characters
belong to the original creators.
Opening and ending
theme songs in basque
belong to ETB.
Captain Planet
original opening theme by
Tom Worrall
Amanda by Night Soundtrack
Composed by
Richard Hieronymus
Captain Planet
original ending theme by
Murray McFadden
Timothy Mulholland
Lyrics by
Nicholas Boxer
This short film is a tribute to the
Captain Planet animation series
created without the participation
of the original creators.
The rights of the characters
belong to the original creators.
Opening and ending
theme songs in basque
belong to ETB.
The organizers of Oñati Short Film Rally
Captain Planet is an original idea by Ted Turner
Sponsored by
Captain Planet
Urtzi Fundation
Sponsored by
Captain Planet
Urtzi Fundation
Filmed in Oñati
on November 5, 2011.
on November 5, 2011.
for the 2nd Oñati Short Film Rally
©2011 Urtzi Systems Coop.

Illustration to announce the comic series LITTLE STRIPED RIDING HOOD.
Logo and blog design for the ETSAM Madrid Achitecture School DAI 1 (Drawing Analyzing and Ideation One) class with professors Atxu Amann and Marta Maiz.
It's a long time I know Atxu and Marta and I have done many thing with them in the past but this year I was teacher assistant in their first year DAI 1 class that was centered on the shuffling dancing movement that was hitting hard at the time. We decided the best and most easy and open way for students to share their works with each other and with anyone interested outside the class as well as the most efficient for the teachers to track their work, was creating a blog. It's nothing fancy but it worked pretty well, I think.

Design for the second logo for AA&NN, created using multiple fonts taken from inspirational products and companies. This logo was used until 2013 when it was redesigned and simplified.
As AA&NN was yet undefined as a company we decided that by now it was good to play with the design of the companies that we liked. So we took the first A is from NASA, the next A from AUDI, another A this time from AKIRA. Then an N from NOKIA a D from iPod and finally two N's, the first one from NINTENDO and the second one from SONY.

ChronoBLOG design and content creation. Html and CSS tinkering by Aaron Busca.
This blog is basically an on-line manifestation of the way I have been organizing my works and references for a long time in my analog and digital life. I started to visualize this project in a more clear way after the end of year 2007 when I founded AA&NN with my brother during the WEST OF THE MOON / EAST OF THE SUN project in Madrid Architecture School.
We are a little bit obsessed with having all kind of media organized and classified in AA&NN. The videos, books and the articles we consume everyday are a great source for inspiration and motivation in our projects, and for a long time we have been building a personal archive of everything we find interesting, in our personal hard drives.
Today we have decided to start blogging this kind of stuff instead of keeping it just for ourselves. At the same time, we thought it would be great to start building in parallel, a chronology of events that took place in our lives as well as projects we are working on. This way we would have a a broader view of where we come from and where we are going. In short; we will be blogging both, current and past date events and new and old projects and events.
We want this ChronoBLOG to be our ultimate archive where we would like to have everything we like in the Internet, accessible from anywhere, in an easy and a convenient way and shared it with everyone. Our hope is that many people can find inspiration with the stuff collected in here.
●PROMO VIDEO● 100x10 promotional videos
100X10 Promotional videos
2011 | Color | Digital Video | 16:9 | Stereo | 8 videos (Aprox. 1 min each)
Starring in order of appearance:
Dani Bas, Javier Alonso, Lucia Ordovás, Fabio Roberto Scorza, Roberto Garcia, Ricardo Santonja,
Ildefonso Fernandez, Javier Seguí and Atxu Amann as Limoneti Visconti.
Photographed and edited by Ioannes Busca
Shot in Madrid on June 2011
Eight promotional videos created for the 100x10 architecture summer camp organized by Javier Argota, Ioannes Busca, Rodrigo Delso, Borja Gómez and María Luisa de Miguel. A ninth video was created that just aired for a couple of days before being removed for containing obscene language.

590×840 mm
Digital Image
Ink jet printed paper over foam core board
Digital Image
Ink jet printed paper over foam core board
The concept behind the proposal was, not only a tribute to Jorge Oteiza and to make small replicas of his well known 'Laboratorio de Tizas' (chalk laboratory) with parts of broken or used Silestone pieces, but to urge, specially the children, to play creating spacial figures an vacuum with the malleable white chalk and why not, with the colorful small hard Silestone parts.

2 boards
Digital Image
Ink jet printed paper over foam core board
Digital Image
Ink jet printed paper over foam core board
Proposal submitted to 2011 Silestone international design competition organized by Cosentino and I+D+Art. The aim of the competition was to create a bar design using Silestone discarded material. Developed together with Roberto Garcia Fernandez.
The proposal consisted in using the Silestone boards one after another creating a colorful continuous surface inspired by a famous soda brand.
●WEB DESIGN● LainoMehe

LainoMehe web concept and design as well as translation of content. Html & CSS tinkering by Aaron Busca.
Launched in March 2011, this project went from various stages of design until the launch of its Frozeen page in August 2014. We conveniently accommodated there the translated comic works and we have continued using LainoMehe's website and its facebook page for more text centric entries and also, to post, link and share every time we translate to Basque and publish a new comic. A thing that happens less often than we would like.WHAT IS LAINO MEHE?
How would the characters in our favorite comics talk if they spoke in Basque? LainoMehe was born in response to that question. If not to fight back the scarcity of comics in the Basque publishing scene, then to translate some chapters of our favorite authors and share them with basque readers.
We took the first steps in March 2011, adapting the basque version of Dragon Ball animation series that was broadcasted in the Basque TV to the original manga work. When we saw that they fit, we transcribed the first five chapters and posted them on a web we called: laino.me (light cloud). Although they were very successful in our circle of friends, it didn't seem good to us to keep on translating copyrighted content and even though we tried to find different ways of doing it correctly, we haven't found away to do it properly yet.
In November 2014, we refreshed our name and logo and went from laino.me to LainoMehe. We also got established in Frozeen comic publishing platform. First of all, we want to apologize to the authors and owners of the copyrights of the comics if this initiative seems wrong to them. The idea was to take a few works from each author, to have a sample of how they would look in basque, while we continue dreaming with a utopian Basque comic publishing scene. If this doesn't seem right to you, please get in touch with us and accept our apologies for the inconveniences.
Without further ado, if you don't want to miss the comics that we'll be translating from time to time, subscribe via email to this blog and follow us on facebook
LainoMehe members.
2011 | Color | Digital Video | 16:9 | Stereo | 34 min.
Organized by Oñatz Dantza Taldea Music by Oñatiko Trikitxaranga
Txistu players Gotzon Osinaga, Laket Zumalde & Guren Zumalde
Photographed and edited by Ioannes Busca
Captured on location in the streets of Oñati with Canon 550D
March 5, 2011
Video coverage of the traditional 'Ihauteriak' or carnival dances that are performed in Basque Country since time immemorial. This event that is celebrated once a year was in this ocassion organized by the 'Oñatz Dance Group' in the Oñati village and it reunited a grand amount of villagers that performed the traditional dances through the streets and plazas of the village from early in the morning to midnight.
It was really exhausting recording all this with a single camera. I was running up and down the streets to make the best shots possible by myself, with camera on hand, with no tripod and even my camera is really light, by the end of the day my wrist fall apart. Then when I went back home and check for the clips I realized some had some audio issues due to the loud music. That and my already oldie HP6710b laptop make me leave the video unedited for a long time. It was not until I got an Apple Macbook Pro that I finished editing it. Definitively next time I have to find a real crew to do a work like this.
2011 | Color | Digital Video | 16:9 | Stereo | Spanish | 5min
Starring February to May 2011 ETSAM DAI 2 students
Professor Atxu Amann, Marta Maiz, Gonzalo Garcia Rosales, Fernando Moran
Photographed and edited by Ioannes Busca
Music by Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - The Social Network Original Soundtrack
Captured with Canon 550D in ETSAM, Madrid.
February 3, 2011
Video that coverages the first day of DAI 2 ( Drawing Analazyng and Ideation 2) class with professors Atxu Amann, Marta Maiz and Gonzalo Garcia Rosales on the Madrid Architecture School, ETSAM.
After six months outside the architecture school, I came back for the first days of classes of the second semester and my friends and professors Atxu Amann and Marta Maiz were there organizing a crazier than ever commencement class for DAI2. I was luckily there to shoot it and I end up editing this video featuring the awesome music composed composed by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for David Fincher's latest movie: The Social Network.

Short film created just in one day for the 1st Oñati Short Film Rally that took place in Oñati on January 8, 2011. This is the first collaboration of a team built for this occasion under the name: URTZI SYSTEM COOP. DORRETXEKO PRINTZESA won the third price in the competition.
Verónica Ayechu
Xabier Barrena
Ioannes Busca
Jérôme Higos
Jokin Igartua
Mikel Maiztegi
Lezuri Ormazabal
Iñigo Ruiz
Ander Zelaia
Michael Zelaia
Erik Zubiria
Verónica Ayechu
Assistant editor
Jokin Igartua
1st Super man
One-armed editor assistant
Ander Zelaia
2nd Super man
Ioannes Busca
Transition man
Michael Zelaia
Xabier Barrena
Misterious Runner
Erik Zubiria
'Chikyū Sentai Faibuman'
Composed by
Kenji Suzuki
©1990 Nippon Columbia Co.
'Forrest Gump Original Soundtrack'
'Forrest Gump Original Soundtrack'
Composed by
Alan Silvestri
©1994 Paramount, Epic Soundtrax
Alan Silvestri
©1994 Paramount, Epic Soundtrax
The people of Oñati to whom we didn't ask for permission to film
and to the organizers of Oñati Short Film Rally
Filmed in Oñati on January 8, 2011
for the
1st Oñati Short Film Rally
Dorretxeko Printzesa
©2011 Urtzi Systems Coop.
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