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Short film directed by Luisa Touassa and written by Paola Perea. ROSA DE PAPEL is a student film in which  I collaborated as the camera operator and poster graphic designer for the cinema production class with professor Carlos H. Malavé in the the University of Puerto Rico.


José A. Negrón 
Kathleen I. Jiménez 
Giovanni Maldonado 
Kenneth Hermina 

Directed by 
Luisa Touassa 

Written by 
Paola Perea 

Anette J. Otero 
Production Asisstant 
Yuliana Jorge 

Art department 
Carla Alvarado 
Giovanni Maldonado 

Directors of photography 
Joanna Caraballo 
Giovanni Maldonado 

Camera operator 
Ioannes Busca 

Kenneth Hermina 

Sara Torre 

Naomi González 
Lytzeliz Rodríguez 

Carla Alvarado 
Naomi González 
Annete J. Otero 
Paola Perea 
Luisa Touassa 

Sound editor 
Naomi González 

Jardín Botánico 
Universidad de Puerto Rico 
Administración Central 
Universidad de Puerto Rico 
Escuela de Comunicacíon 
Dr. Eliseo Colón Zayas 
Ana I. de Jesús 
Pedro Viera 
Myrna Colón 
Senda de Libertad Rock Church 
Pastora Lundy López 
Origami Esquilín 
ODY Corporation 
Nazario Ramirez 
Wanda Aponte 
Radio Universidad 
Yolanda Zabala 
Neftalí Arroyo 

Shot for the Cinema Production class in the 
Universitiy of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras  with professor 
Carlos H. Malavé 

Puerto Rico 
December 2012 

●MUSIC VIDEO● Life Starring Neil the Snail

LIFE staring Neil the Snail
2012 | Color | Digital Video | 16:9 | Stereo | 7min 11s
AA&NN presents a film by Ioannes Busca
Music Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
'Symphony No 40 in G Minor' 
Performed by The London Shymphony Orchestra 
Shot with Canon 550D in Puerto Rico
December 2012

Video created as a final project for the multimedia photography class with profesor Jimmy Torres in the University of Puerto Rico.
I found Neil stuck to a tree while I was visiting 'El Yunque' rainforest. I took it with me and feed it for one or two weeks in my dorm while I shot this video. Then a friend of mine who was going back to the rainforest took it back to his habitat. I wonder where is it now.

●MUSIC VIDEO● THE TOES 'Chrome Radio Rocks'

THE TOES 'Chrome Radio Rocks'
2012 | Color | Digital Video | 16:9 | Stereo | Spanish | 2min 5s
 Starring Joet Santiago and Andrea Ibañez
With the participation of: 
Zaire Martinez, Borja Larrañaga, Pablo Rodriguez, 
Anna Malavé and José Castro
A film by Geycha Collazo, Kevin Quiles , Johnny Santiago,Yanira Diaz and Ioannes Busca
Photographed & edited by Ioannes Busca
Music  The Toes 'Chrome Radio Rocks' Ample Play Records
Shot with Canon 550D in UPRRP University of Puerto Rico
October 2012

Video created for the Multimedia Photography class with the professor Jimmy Torres in the University of Puerto Rico.
The only rule the teacher gave us this time was that it had to be one continuous shot. No cuts. We were the same group that did the Scape video a few weeks ago so we decided to relate this new one to the old in a certain way. Thanks must be given to all the friends that featured on it for helping us, specially to the two main actors.


2012 | Color | Digital Video | 16:9 | Stereo | 1min 41s
Starring Andrea Ibañez 
A film by Ioannes Busca, Geycha Collazo, Kevin Quiles , Johnny Santiago and Yanira Diaz
Photographed & edited by Ioannes Busca 
Music Joel Mull, Constant Crescendo H-Productions: Mutations 101
Shot with Canon 550D in UPRRP University of Puerto Rico
September 2012

Video created for the Multimedia Photography class with the professor Jimmy Torres in the University of Puerto Rico.
I think the only rule we had when shooting this video was to keep it simple. But I really don't remember how we end up doing this. We improvised a lot, as usual.

●INTERVIEW● Retratos en Bici

Inteview by Pablo León for his I LOVE BICIS blog in El País newspaper. Foto by Moeh Atitar.


Ioannes likes cinema and video editing more than structures. He came to Madrid from Oñati (Gipuzkoa) in 2003 to study architecture. He is living with his cousin in Leganés, to save expenses, and travels every day to the capital. “I made a calculation on how much I expended per month in transportation. My travel expenses were 70€. The one-month train travel pass cost me 30€. The other 40€ were the metro pass to conmute from Prinicipe Pío to the university. I decided to save those 40€ and buy a bike by installments instead ”, he tells from the patio of the university mounted on his BMX. Thus, in July 2011 he bought his small BMX. If he would do that calculation now,  he would choose to switch to the wheels even faster.

Pedaling on a BMX is not easy. The short distance between the saddle and the pedals makes it necessary to stand up most of the time. “These bikes were mythical when I was a kid. In my town we called them "Motoretas" and they seemed super cool to us; I haven't ridden in one since I was 11, ” he exclaims, staring blankly into his school cafeteria. His technique is based on pedaling and sliding; on the slopes he makes legs, climbs to the top and then lets himself go. “It is a different bike. I don't know if I would recommend it but right now I wouldn't change it ”, he admits.

Seven installments of his travel pass made Ioannes the owner of his BMX. “I use it for short distances. At first, I didn't feel like going between cars and I was on the sidewalk, ” he says. But after a while, Madrid's traffic did not seem as chaotic as that of Mexico D.F. where he spent six months studying. The volume of cars in the capital of the North American country is not comparable to that of Madrid. "There, despite the distances and the saturation of cars, many people dare to ride a bicycle," he recalls as he looks back at infinity.

Retratos en Bici 'Portraits in bikes'  is a section of I LOVE BICIS that wants to reflect the diversity, in images, of cyclists in Madrid. Moeh Atitar, a fellow El País journalist and photographer, carries the camera. The idea for the section came after the interview with Dmitri Gudkov, a photographer based in New York, who, in February 2010, began a series of portraits of citizens of the North American city with his bike. He gives each image the hashtag #BikeNYC. This is, with our style, #BikeMAD.


2012 | Color | Digital Video | 16:9 | Stereo | 2 min.
Starring Gadea Burgaz & Elvira Carrión co-starring Javier Paz
Photographed and performed by 2012 (February to may) DAI 2 Students in ETSAM
Music Aphex Twin - GirlBoy Song
Edited by Ioannes Busca
Directed by Ynes Verkaufen ( Inés Sell)
Filmed in ETSAM, Madrid
April 27, 2012

Performance shot in the ETSAM architecture school in Madrid with the first year students class of DAI  2 (Drawing Analyzing and Ideation 2) with professor Atxu Amann, submitted to the contest 'Video Talentos' organized by Fundacion Banco Santander and OpenBank.
That was my second semester as teacher assistant with professor Atxu Amann and among the multiple things we did during that semester, one of the coolest was this contest entry developed by the whole class based upon an idea by Inés Sell that was previously selected by popular vote. I don't really know how close the final video is to what she had in mind. Even we had 5 or 6 cameras recording the performance the final footage was terrible, but somehow we manage to make a video out of it.


2012 | Color | Digital Video | 16:9 | Stereo | Spanish | 4min 22s
A c69 film 
Presented by AA&NN
Featuring Javier Seguí de la Riva
Photographed and edited by Ioannes Busca
Produced by AA&NN

Fist video of the c69 series that features restless people that have contributed in a way or another to the cultural landscape that surrounds us. In this first installment, Javier Segui  (Madrid, 1940), Architect and Professor Emeritus in Madrid Architecture School shares his thoughts about the drawings he has done over the years. To learn more about him visit http://www.javierseguidelariva.com


ARCHIFREAKS #2 'cr3am'

Gift to Miguel Beloqui and Sergio Ramos (cr3am) for their final Project in ETSAM
2012-II-23 | 1 page | B&W

Read it in various languages in Frozeen.



Published in Frozeen in February 10, 2012.
1 page | B&W

Read it in various languages in Frozeen.

Collected in:

This first number was released as a t-shirt by  T-COMIC in September 27, 2013.
Available in Amazon US: http://amzn.to/169SPcZ